Inoue Manji 井上萬二Faceted White Porcelain Jar with Incised Peony Motifs 白磁牡丹彫文面取
Fujiwara Kei 藤原啓Hanging scroll "The spring breeze is playing on the hem of my kimono in a glamorous way" 春風艶戯裾
Kaneshige Michiaki 金重道明Bizen Flat Jar 伊部 壺路転扁壺
Kato Takuo 加藤卓男Gray Shino Plates with Whirlpool Drawing, Set of 5 鼠志野 渦巻 和皿
Kato Takuo 加藤卓男In the Kavir desert, Iran イラン・カヴィール砂漠の中で
Maeda Masahiro 前田正博Water jar with blue and silver pigments 色絵銀彩水指
Tsuboshima Dohei 坪島 土平Plates, Set of 5
Kawamoto Goro 河本五郎Yellow ash glazed teabowl 黄灰釉 茶椀
Tsuboshima Dohei 坪島 土平Teabowl with spot glaze 茶碗斑釉
E Seto plate with iron painted grass flower tree motifs 瀬戸皿 鉄絵草花樹木文 , Late Edo period, 19th century, 江戸時代後期 19世紀
Yamada Hikaru 山田光Silver-glazed Pipe 銀泥パイプ No.316, 1995
YAMADA Hiroki 山田洋樹No.2 White shino teabowl, 2024
YAMADA Hiroki 山田洋樹No.3 White shino teabowl , 2024
Matsutani Fumio 松谷文生No. 15 Sō (Blue) 蒼, 2021
KOBAYASHI Togo 小林東五Kohiki water jar 粉引水指
Hayashi Yasuo 林康夫No 3, Memory of a House 寓舎の記憶 05-A, 2005
Hayashi Yasuo 林康夫No 4, Window, 2010
Hayashi Yasuo 林康夫An Encounter’ 78 語らい, 1978
Tsuboshima Dohei 坪島 土平Sometsuke water jar with mountain and river image 染付八角山水文水指
Asano Masaru 浅野勝Silver Glazed Tall Jar 銀彩壺
Suzuki Osamu 鈴木治Stoneware Form, Horse "Uma-No-Yakata" 馬ノ屋形, 1980
MIWA Kyusetsu XIII (Kazuhiko) 十三代 三輪休雪(和彦)Container with Lid, “Shiroki-Chi-No-Shi” 白き地の詩 (Poetics of a white landscape), 2002
SUWA Sozan Ⅲ 三代 諏訪 蘇山Squared celadon water jar 青磁角水指
Suzuki Osamu 鈴木治Zodiac sculpture: Sheep 未
Suzuki Osamu 鈴木治Dragon 辰 Seihakuji Zodiac Sculpture Series
Matsuda Yuriko 松田百合子Flower Basket with Silver 銀彩上絵花籠
Edo Period Hanging Flower Container 江戸時代, 18th-19th century
Takiguchi Kazuo 滝口和男Untitled 無題
Arakawa Toyozo 荒川豊蔵Hanging scroll with image of Mr. Fuji, two hawks and three eggplants 一富士二鷹三茄子, 1981
Yasuhara Kimei 安原喜明Flower Vase 花生炻器
Suzuki Hideaki 鈴木秀昭Tsugi 注器
Hayashi Shotaro 林正太郎Red Shino Flower Vase 赤志野四方壺
Arakawa Toyozo 荒川豊蔵Hanging scroll with evergreen tree 千年緑, 1977
KATO Toyohisa 加藤土代久Gray Shino Flower Vase 鼠志野花入
Yasuhara Kimei 安原喜明Flower Vase 花生
Kim Hono 金憲鎬White Jar 4 壺
Wakao Toshisada 若尾利貞Shino Mukozuke, Set of 5 志野向付
Wada Morihiro 和太守卑良"Kaku-gen-jho-mon" Teabowl 赫玄条文茶碗, 1990's
Kawamoto Goro 河本五郎Ceramic relief of a woman in overglaze polychrome enamel 色絵女人, 1980
Shingu Sayaka 新宮さやかNo. 13 Padoma Bowl, 2022
Wada Morihiro 和太守卑良Asuka-mon-ki, Vessel 飛鳥文器, cia 1980's
Matsutani Fumio 松谷文生Rei (Black) Flower Vase D-2 黎 花器 , 2018
Kawase Shinobu 川瀬 忍Celadon jar “Jin-cho (penguin)” 人鳥, 1996
Ito Sekisui 伊藤赤水Jar 無名異壺
Mori Togaku 森 陶岳Bizen rectangle jar 備前方壺, 1990's
Suzuki Osamu 鈴木治Small Zodiac sculpture: Ox 丑
Miwa Ryosaku 三輪龍作The Scripture of HIMIKO 卑弥呼
Wakao Toshisada 若尾利貞Nezumi Shino Platter, Impressions of a Bamboo Grove 長皿
Ichino Masahiko 市野雅彦Tanba vase 丹波赤ドベ花器
Morimoto Tokoku 森本陶谷Tanba tea caddy 丹波茶入
Arakawa Toyozo 荒川豊蔵No.1 Shino Sake Bottle 志野徳利
KUSUBE Yaichi 楠部彌弌White Porcelain Stamp Pad Holder 白磁 肉池
Furutani Michio 古谷道生Shigaraki water jar 信楽水指
Yasuhara Kimei 安原喜明Flower Vase 炻器線彫文
Ikenishi Go 池西剛Setoguro teabowl 瀬戸黒茶碗
Hayashi Shotaro 林正太郎Shino Flat Jar 扁壷
Kumakura Junkichi 熊倉順吉Green Flower Vessel 緑の花器
Satonaka Hideto 里中英人Vessel ‘Utsawa’ 器, cia 1976
Miwa Ryosaku 三輪龍作Water jar in shape of Hakureiko 白嶺湖
Hiruma Kazuyo 昼馬和代No.2 Memories of Earth 大地の記憶, 2022
Hiruma Kazuyo 昼馬和代No.6 The Miraculous Series 奇跡, 2024
Hamada Shoji 濱田庄司Iron Glazed Square Bottle with Finger Mark & Persimmon Under Glaze
Arakawa Toyozo 荒川豊蔵Hanging scroll with teabowl drawing 画賛茶碗, 1961
Kohara Yasuhiro 小原康裕Shigaraki Basket with Handle 2 信楽手鉢, 2020
Nishioka Koju 西岡小十Hanging Scroll with Teabowl Drawing
Kitade Tōjirō 北出塔次郎Tea Vessel, Set of 5 色絵菜圃抄茶器 5客
Arakawa Toyozo 荒川豊蔵Hanging scroll with water iris 杜若乃図Sold
Kondo Yuzo 近藤悠三Sumi-e Painting: Bamboo Shoots 竹の子Sold
TOKUDA Yasokichi Ⅲ 3代 徳田八十吉Jar 深厚釉壺Sold
NAKAMURA Kinpei 中村錦平Teabowl 茶盌Sold
Ito Sekisui 伊藤赤水Marblized Incense Burner 無名異香炉Sold
Sakaegi Masatoshi 栄木正敏No.5 "Surface Tension" Celadon Series 表面張力花器 Triangle Vase, 2019Sold
TOKUDA Yasokichi Ⅲ 3代 徳田八十吉Jar 深厚釉壺Sold
Suzuki Osamu 鈴木治Flower Vase with Blue Glaze 青のある花入Sold
Yagi Kazuo 八木一夫Black Work 黒陶作品, Late1950’s-Early1960’sSold
Tsuboshima Dohei 坪島 土平Golden water jar with inlaid deers and rabbits 金露彩象嵌 鹿兎文水指Sold
Wada Morihiro 和太守卑良Vessel “Kashoku-Mon-Ki” 花燭文器, 1999Sold
Murata Gen 村田 元Teabowl 茶碗Sold
Shingu Sayaka 新宮さやかNo.37 "Clayx" tea bowl 萼容 碗, 2024Sold
Kaneta Masanao VIII 八代 兼田昌尚Hagi water jar 萩灰被刳貫水指Sold
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