Contemporary Chadogu

Exhibition Catalog

Dai Ichi Arts, Ltd. is delighted to present “Contemporary Chadōgu”: a summer showcase of contemporary Japanese ceramic tea utensils. This digital exhibition catalog features the full list of works and is also available in-print. Contact us to purchase a copy.


The subject of this exhibition prompts us to engage with a quintessential part of Japanese yakimono pottery & contemporary craft from a collector's eye: ceramics for the Japanese Tea Ceremony. Often a meditative and serious subject, this exhibition offers the range of contemporary interpretations and expressions of Japanese ceramic tea utensils in a different light for both life-long and new collectors.


In-print copy: USD$36 incl. tax


Exhibiting artists: FURUTANI Michio 古谷道生 , SAWA Kiyotsugu 澤 清嗣, KAMADA Koji 鎌田幸二, KAWAMOTO Goro 河本五郎, KAWASE Shinobu 川瀬 忍, SUGIMOTO Sadamitsu 杉本貞光, SUZUKI Goro 鈴木五郎, TAKIGUCHI Kiheiji 瀧口喜兵爾, NAKAMURA Kinpei 中村錦平, KOIE Ryoji 鯉江良二, KAKUREZAKI Ryuichi 隠崎隆一, HAYASHI Shotaro 林正太郎, HIGASHIDA Shigemasa 東田茂正, TSUJIMURA Yui 辻村唯, MATSUNAGA Keita 松永圭太, SHINGU Sayaka 新宮さやか, KATO Tsubusa 加藤委, ISESAKI Mitsuru 伊勢崎満, OISHI Sayaka 大石さやか